Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Grunt's Bday Party, Part 1

This past weekend, we were able to celebrate my tiny baby boy turning 1! I know, he's not tiny... hasn't been tiny in a LONG time. But, I still see him at a week old, sleeping in my arms, all squishy and tiny. I remember when we were worried about him growing, and why he was constantly sick. I remember holding him on my chest right after he was born and thanking God for him. I remember his first smile, the first time he sat up, crawled, ate real food, jabbered... and now, I look at him, and he is so big! He walks, runs, talks, is trying to jump, and has almost no resemblance to that tiny, squishy baby in my memory. He is all toddler boy. I can't believe it went so fast. God has blessed me so much through His gift of my two babies, both in different ways, and I thank Him daily for my wonderful family. Here are some pictures of the birthday boy, our family, and friends as we celebrated Grunt this past weekend.

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