Friday, June 4, 2010

Strawberry Picking

So, I'm a horrible rememberer--- I can't remember to take the camera with me! We have very few pictures of the last month or so, because I just can't remember that one last thing! Oh well, lucky for me, other mommies have their acts together.
Wednesday the kiddos and I went to Jacquemin Farms in Plain City (although, why it's considered Plain City, I have no idea- I call it Dublin.) and picked 1/2 a bushel of strawberries, and a little container that is Pea's eating basket. The nice part is that the kiddos can eat all they want while picking, free! When we got home I hulled the strawberries and got everything ready to make jam, strawberry shortcake, and berry cobbler! Here are some pics of the strawberry picking adventure, and a cute one of Grunt.
Pea loved picking strawberries! I thought she would tire of it quickly, but she didn't!
Grunt all snuggled in and comfy.
Grunt and his ChiaPet hair... It's all the rage- and the ladies love it :)

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