Saturday, October 1, 2011

Apple Picking- 2011

For the last 3 years, we've gone to Fruit-ful Acres (a local you-pick) to enjoy some family fun picking apples. This year was the first year I wasn't pregnant! YAY! It's so much nicer to go apple picking when you don't want to curl up under the apple tree and take a nap. We were surprised to find that they had some pear trees that were still producing, so we got some pears and a ton of apples. With Munchie and Grunt still being little, we decided to turn all of the apples into applesauce. So, easy peasy, a bushel worth of apples turned into applesauce is sitting in our deep freeze. Look for a post featuring my favorite recipes that use applesauce coming in the next week... or so. But, for now, enjoy these pics! And to see how much my kiddos have grown, check out last year's apple picking post here.

 Mommy and Munchie- 6 months old already!
 My sweet Pea- loves her apples
 Munchie screamed and threw the biggest fit when we took his apple away! So cute :)
 Grunt- too busy eating his 100th apple to smile
 Pa showing Grunt how to twist the good apples off the tree.
Grandma and the family- Pa was taking the picture... next year we need to have someone else take it :)

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